Lay Canossian

Assistance to the Youth
Youth ministry Centers (Oratory)

"Let's look for the children, let's love the children, let's educate the children!" 

It is impassioned will that Bro. Giovanni Zuccolo has left to the little institute before his death. It syntesizes the apostolic anxiety that he assimilated in St. Giobbe from the first fathers and it also transmitted to us. It is 'a great mandate in its simplicity, and of absolute actuality for the canossian oratorio that, rich of so many educational presences, it is mobilized in looking for, approaching and forming children and young people in today's world.
Oratorio according to the Rule of Life of the Canossian Sons of Charity has always been the privilege apostolate of the Congregation, to the young people. The Religious Congregation is like a big family with children spread around different places. It’s nice that once in a while, these families met, so it’s also for the young people living with the Canossian Fathers and Brothers. For this reason in Italy, The so called Incontro degli Oratori Canossiani (IOC) has been initiated since the start of the establishment of the Congregation.

1. The work of the oratorio acquires educational value in the measure in which becomes an environment of life, rich in humanity, familiarity, joy and of feeling as a Christian, according to the spirit of the first Canossian Oratorio in Venice.
2. The Canossian Oratorio becomes environment of life when children, teenagers, young people, adults, parents and religious, realize together an experience of community.
3. The community experience of the Canossian Oratorio is not an end by itself, but it's offered as an opportunity of human and Christian growth for all the children and young people of the ecclesial community and of the territory, especially for the neediest and the distant ones.